A mile away from destiny’s tree
Trying to ponder my placement.
Bothered by the nonexistence,
I follow jet streams and flying debris.
A mile from spring’s fresh nativity;
Like the first breath from a newborn
I bleed thoughts of a rose’s thorn
Onto mosaic moments soon to be.
A mile from luck’s rivaled counterpart
I reach final ultimatums.
Building drug induced momentum;
A rope-a-dope of this cluttered rampart
A mile from a savior’s guarantee.
Dodging Cyclops’s keen moon rays
My grief crowds congested airways
As I block time traffic too consistently.
I’m a mile from homes tranquility.
An implicit loathed asylum;
This inner created sanctum
For self inflicted hospitality.
A mile past where tragedy began
I fled from possibilities.
Unlatching worn stability;
Master piecing motions to understand.
Now miles from where all this came to be;
Beast and I joined in earthly dirt.
Only death’s airbag there to flirt
With ruins bound to destiny’s wry tree.