

My Portfolio
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Western Mass

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

I was President of African American Cultural society at S.T.C.C. I don't support Bush or Dick, in the White house. However I support the people who live together with respect of each other. I am a poet, I know that what I say matters, and what I do with my life sends messages. Therefore I have decided to do the best I can with what I have. I have me, great few friends, and the power of choice,

I choose to be a Conscious Emcee....

About My Navel

My navel was port hole for food to nurish me when I was in my mom's womb. Shortly after I was born DSS made sure that there would be no more closeness between My mom and I! I am determined to Build a new connection to my MOM.

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

''You will come back again and again, so I can learn from you and you learn from I''


Member for
23 years 26 weeks