Soul Is Like…
toxic to virgin ears, the perfect stranger
in your circle of friends…if I ever
disrespect bring it to my attention-
Soul is like…
ten thousand dreams in one; a collage of
my thoughts; a plethora of criticism; go
ahead and critic me-
Soul is like…
November rain in July; Purple rain
without color; call it my rein—my stand;
no barriers, why discriminate?
We all bleed red!
Soul is like…
the 100 days of Summer, poetry with
such heat you turn your fan on to read
them, feed them to your soul, and share
them with the world-
In addition, if you did not know…
Soul is like…
microphone check one, two to critic,
three syllables, four to explore the soul,
five to get with it, six if you are not you
can just beat it-
Soul is like…
mass appeal over the masses; the new
storms of the season, never quiet; even
my silence must be turn down a notch-
Soul is like…
explosive, animated, live, and thirty-
three degrees of separation, never lost
in translation; better yet the definition
like Mos Def- don’t really care for
spell check-
Soul is like...
your guilty conscience on a Sunday
morning; if you're scared go to church,
repent, and sin again-
Soul is like…
the never-ending story; poetry is
naturally my basic instincts, easily
distinguished; why would I not be?
Soul is like… Critic is like…
Poet is like…Me!