I did it! Sin committed, spat in the mouth of the beast;
my tongue sanctified and fire I spewed….
no acts of crime or hate; you would not relate…
I continue-
Beautiful lips I have kissed, under my wings ladies have
laid, a chosen few have witness the sunrise with me; a
warmth that does not repeat—like the scent of a woman;
a woman’s warmth is unique…temperature rises and falls-
I started this race; I am going to finish; stuck in the middle
but I will not restart this journey; I have yet to recite the
same poem twice and do not intend too-
The only time I trace my steps backwards is when I lose
my high; yet when I find it, I am so far behind I stay there
nd contemplate…nothing, I’m high-
I start anew from that point until I fall again; stand up
against all odds again, chemical imbalance now I see
double, but I will not go back to the days of ignorance and
Take life for what it’s worth…Adelante! Never rewind…
once said, it set in stone; once acted upon you cannot
erase the actions and reactions of the thoughts you harvest
in your soul-
The damage is done, maybe forgiveness; someday, maybe!
Earn your keeps and guard them well like dreams from the
Sandman; children from the Piper- I am both-
History does repeat itself in similar events, yet never
redundant. I too stay committed to the wide path before
me; that no matter the consequences of my actions I shall
strive onward to the East-
I may commit the same sin twice; however, this life I will
only live once without redundancy…I will never give you
the same; I will not be redundant-