I said it, never meant for it to be taken to the
heart, but we talking about innuendo and
feeling a stir, emotions are a blur…yesterdays
post was innocent but taken out of content;
“Could have been the guilt inside mistaken for
sugar coated words.”
As you know I critique and proud of it, not
every critique written or spoken by me has
sentences in between for you to read;
yet somehow an innuendo was created from
I realize some of my critiques are bold, and
heavy like stones, but never out of content;
to the reader maybe spoken out of line, yet I
walk the line and dance in a ring of fire like
Take no offense if I do not bring it to your light
and careful in the way you approach me with
constructive criticism or concerns about your
feelings being hurt; by now my words shouldn't
be questioned, just like some stones should be
left upturned, just let it be, let me be me….
but maybe this piece will be taken as an
innuendo by many, in which at this point,
"I don’t give a damn!" True poets are envied and
ridiculed in silence, like me…
I've decided that after my next show I will
dedicate my time to publishing and editing my
work, but only in grammar, because my words
won’t change for anyone’s feelings.
If subconsciously I've offended you then
consciously I will agree that whomever takes
assumptions to my work will only be hurting
themselves, and is a sign of weakness of their
guilt that maybe, Yes! Maybe they have
subconsciously offended me and consciously
labeling me the offender….
”Take that for an innuendo; keep your complaints
and don’t disrespect my words as being about you
or you or you!! I have the rights to be narcissistic,
and those catching feelings question yourself before
bringing your tears to my attention;
“Get a hold of yourself!” Innuendo…please!!!