This Road Again...with my best friend!

My friend is an addict like me...we have been for years-
There was a brake for many years, periodically we would
burn together...
We fight our demons differently, but the addiction is the
same- He tells me 'the high' makes him forget about his
I tell him its 'mind over matter'...we enjoy being nocturnal,
no excuses!
Heavy use becoming substance abuse, the blood boils,
non-adrenaline rush to the brain-
Maybe it is the pain that we enjoy...He misses his children,
family, and his cheating wife- I miss nothing, but the silence
of my thoughts...I chose to stay awake in my days anarchy-
The addiction is killing him, tormenting his thoughts; his only
solution is to get high...I write my troubles down, he cries
and laments.
What advice can an addict give another addict?
We are both products of the machine, no one better...
fiends to a drug that kills dreams and shortens nights- the
days are misery without a 'hit'...
He continues having epiphanous moments, and calls it quits;
I stopped believing that I could change, accepting the desire
and living in sin-
This road again...we've been here before, many years ago,
same foes, some faces are still friendly; these are the one's
who never left this road-
We swore never to return down this path again, but our mistress,
we missed her so...
I walk with my best friend, yet both alone facing reality and criticism
from those we know-
The fire we burn keeps us moving, women at our feet; the drums
have a different beat...
In the heat of day we stay awake, we help each other by reminding
ourselves, "We are not dead, my brother!"
So here we are on this road again, this time it seems more normal
than we were chosen to walk together again-
Two addicts and an addiction too good too be true.

(Its six in the morning, thoughts are still flowing, the writings
continue...ideas flourish, headaches too- The writer and his
book of poetry; his journals of life, shared with the world...
a new dawn of day, yet feels the same as yesterday or the
days before; its madness, but in a gentle way-
Nights rest was minimal, but abundant to the need...
these pages must bleed!!)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Circa* 1999

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