Heart racing, tears spilling


Three tiny scars

Three enormous moments
They are only small
They barly hurt
By they remind me 
Of the times that did 
I have a stich cutter
I used it to help you
Now I use to help me
To count the times 
I wish you where gone 
I was gone
The pain was gone 
I sit again late at night
In the bathroom with bright lights
I see the blade shinny and sharp
Ready to count
One, two, three
Only three little slits 
Only three little scars
On a arm full, from years past
It use to be another that drove me to this
 Now it's you 
Is it you or is it me
Would it matter who you where
Would there always be a someone
Who drives me to tears
Maybe they drive them self
I don't think I love you anymore
I don't think I can
I'm too angry
Too sad
Too broken to feel for you
Why dose this have to be hard
Just shut up shut up
What I hate most,
The after mast
After the screaming
And accusing
The "come on" it's time to get over it
Well I can't
The issue isn't resolved
I hate you more
I think I could murder
But can I express this?
No because you don't hear
You don't listen
If I can't kill you
It's me ill kill
Just leave me to be
In this bright bathroom
Stop hovering over
Blocking my light
Ill never be happy
Not with you
Why can't you see
It's not you it's me. 
Author's Notes/Comments: 

Thoughts that's ran though met head, not much of a poem more of a run though of my emotions