
Toni Dolhan

My Portfolio
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Alberta, Canada

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

My name is Toni, I'm a 16 year old girl with a passion for writing. I'm from Alberta, Canada and I like to see myself as a typical girl with a little bit of 'Something Special'; my family and friends mean the world to me and they both inspire me and motivate me to pursue my dreams. I live in a small town in northern Alberta so there isn't too much to do so I find that writing helps to kill time and aside from writing I love to explore. I love being outside and going places I've never been and seeing things I haven't before. I try and look at the world through a different light and see as many perspectives as I can. I'm a big proponent on trying new things and within the last few years I have found an increasing love for getting an adrenaline rush. I'm a huge fan of snowboarding it is one of the few things that I love more than writing. When winter comes around I eat, sleep and breathe the snowy winter life and all that it entails. I love playing sports such as volleyball and I love running. Even though I seek the thrill of adventure and the adrenaline rush I get playing various sports, I've found that writing helps to calm my nerves and helps me to express whatever I have bottled up inside me. In the near future I plan on writing songs with one of my friends as this is something that comes naturally to me. As cliche as it may sound I don't have to think and plan out everything, I just have to feel and the words flow right out of my mind onto paper. Next to snowboarding and being outside writing is my passion and I strive to continue strengthening my writing abilities. I am very open to hearing other's opinions and would love for people to critique the things I write. I am interested in meeting new people and hearing new ideas and perspectives on various topics. Feel free to talk to me and ask me anything :)

About My Navel

Although it's small and round,
it dips in the middle, well just a little.
It's a small piece of me that very few people see.
You can tell it's mine it's blinding white.
So white you would swear it glows at night.

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Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

I am crazy about snowboarding and have found a new love for wake-boarding. I love hiking, fishing and just being outside as much as possible.


Member for
11 years 27 weeks