last goodbye

you kept me on the ground

you made me content

i kept you from living life

i made you antsy

i'm sorry, that is not how it was supposed to be.

so as you live your life, be happy, stay safe.

i mean not to hold you back anymore.

if you ever find what i did in you,

hold onto it for aslong as you can.

don't let that person go, like i did with you.

i guess i was fooling myself

into thinking i could hold onto you forever.

but for a time i felt that everything was perfect.

if you feel that this is the end,

then i guess for you it is.

but you will forever hold my heart in your hands,

whether you feel it or not.

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I especially love the line "but you will forever hold my heart in your hands, whether you feel it or not". Nicely done.