cast a spell and burn in hell,
for salem's witches
burned by christian bitches
witchcraft and bitchcraft
hand in hand
arm in arm
down to heavenly hell
the guilt wasn't there
but they didn't care
for they were burned
and hung in trials
that were not fair
be yourself and burn in hell
personal thoughts are a witches pot
something new is the witches brew
individuality... you soul will sell
they see what isn't there
they don't care
thier mind is the right kind
to say, to tell
we're all going to hell
hang the witches
hang the blame
protect the wicked
destroy the lame
Hung in the halls of fame
hung by ropes of shame
sell your soul
for a pot of gold
i really like this poem and it passes along a very true message. You hit it so right on the head.
Breanna Shaylee
Awsome, daniel friggan awsome.
-Heather Lynn Campbell