Somewhere outside yet another leaf dies
And falls softly to the ground
As a reminder to the world
That all life comes to an end
With a beauty few can deny.
These almost autumn leaves
Hide from me the grass underneath
As I try to uncover the secrets of a world
That remains to be you
Huddling tightly into a ball
Somewhere in the corner of your room
Hiding from me all that is you
And what you truly are.
These almost autumn leaves
Tell me a tale of your life
Happy and sad
Flowing and flying all over the world
In such erratic patterns
That befits your life
Jumping from breeze to breeze
As you jump from thought to thought
Loving and learning
That love's just a pain in the heart
But you love anyway
Because to not love
Would be the unthinkable
The unimagineable
Where these almost autumn leaves no longer fall
In pretty shades of red and orange and yellow
Where your soul has been closed off to a world
That seems to only want to hurt you
When all it wants is to love you.
I breathe in the air of these almost autumn leaves
Like I breathed in the scent of your hair
Longing to be able to breathe deeper
And take in more of the essence
That seems to be keeping me alive
In some perverse manner -
Breaking my heart along the way.
August 7, 2003
cory,this is wonderful,i love it!