Street Swimming


Lying out in the middle of the street

Singing love songs to the moon

Swimming quietly on a deserted street corner

Wondering when someone's gonna stop and ask you why

You're flopping around like a grounded fish

Who's given up on life

And merely seems to be moving around

For the fun of it.

You stop moving for a moment

As you crane you neck trying to listen

Because you hear the moon singing love songs back at you

You smile as the moon smiles

Two smiles on a moonlit night

Smiling back and forth on this happy night

When nothing seems to matter

But your duet with the moon.

So now you're lying in the middle of the street

Singing duets with the moon

Making snow angels in your own invisible snow

That you'll pack into a ball when you get up

So you can play catch with your new friend, the moon

And skip down the yellow brick road of life

Like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz

Before you realize you're not in kansas anymore.

The lion followed you home

So did the tin man, and the straw man too

You've got a party in your bedroom now

It's just missing me and you-

We found Toto in a storm drain

The ruby slippers were there too

Now I'll just have to wake up

And realize I was dreaming of you.

July 9, 2002

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Inspired by a mixture of events-Mere's swimming on a street corner, my singing love songs on the way to the OX formal, and a little bit of ashlee's Wizard of Oz obsession....  I was just being loopy when I wrote this-also helped along a little by Courtney....(I think she's my new muse...)

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Allison Roy's picture

it has a nice twist to it, but there really is no beat that drags the reader along. i think if you tried to unify the stanzas the poem would flow better, and the rythym would work out...but it is a good poem nonetheless.

Courtney Roy's picture

I love this poem!! It's so sweet and reminds me of being in a world of bliss with no one there to bother you, completely oblivious to the world around you. What i would give to live it such a world. . .

Amanda DeBisschop's picture

This is a great one, I love the wizard of oz theme incorporated into it. It gives it kindof a romantic feeling, along with the moon. It's perfect. I'm surprised Courtney hasn't commented on this one yet, its just the kind of poem she would love.