

Oh, happy days, how they've ended

I yearn for easier times gone by

When life was simple, and life was good

And time didn't really matter to us at all.

The days have grown so much longer

And the skies seem dark and dreary

I shudder when I see the world outside

Because it seems uncomfortably close to myself.

I've lost all my joy and happiness

They ran quickly away from me

When the sun hid back, behind the clouds

Just to stay away from me.

Oh, how time changes things

We've evolved from our regular selves

I hate the person whom I've become

Because he's a distant stranger to me.

These days seem so much longer now

The seconds pass with only one purpose-

To torture this already tortured soul

And tear me apart, limb from limb.

This day is almost over now

I've passed these long hours in agony

But I look forward to seeing tomorrow come

So I can release my worries of today.

October 13, 2000

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