I am a moth and you are a calling flame, oh Love. Are you saying that it is my destiny to be consumed? If so then I am not a Moth, but candles winged bread My blood not blood but wine, spirit and fires fuel, and my life, which is not my own, a smoking sacrifice and I ernest not ernest, but a self indulgent christ. Tell me, Oh love: what is to be gained at my death that is of any worth beyond a flicker and orange sparks? Oh, if but the hands of Allah could reach through the portals of my thumping heart which keeps the beat and pluck me swiftly from this intoxicating flame between his thumb and forefinger release me... back into the night to fly like vapor instead among the soft lights and less violent stars. Ernest Bevans http://www.postpoems.com/members/masapoet
لن أكفّ عن الإحتفاء بقلمك مبدع ماقرات
This is a beautful complement to a humble poem. Thank you Sola.
لن أكفّ عن الإحتفاء بقلمك
مبدع ماقرات
This is a beautful complement to a humble poem.
Thank you Sola.