Druken Fool


Look at you fall over rumors
falling over ignorance
stop spitting words that where never said
stop speaking and sit your Ass down!

Look at yourself Mr. "selfish" ass
you think you are the best in the west
with your small ass package
Give mea break, you druken fool

Stop pretending your the best
stop pretending your not like the rest
your heart has been broken sure
but dont blaime it on me.

Me who has catched you when you fall.
Me who respects you when no one else did.
Me who once actually loved you.
Me who keeps trying.

Look at yourself i said!
Throw up your insecurities.
Throw up your selfish pride.
Stop drowning your sorrows
in a pool of liquor and wine.
Stop blaiming others
and look at yourself
you Druken Fool.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

One of those pist off moments you just want to slap the stupid off of a person. Plain and simple.

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