Good bye to self

I was strong when I had no friends

I was strong despite their cruel words

I was strong tho they always made me cry

I was stronger than they ever could have guess

Back then I was stronger

Even tho totally alone, I was happy

Their evil intentions hardly phased me

But now i'm simply pathetic

A weak lil black-coated, premature kitten

Now that I have friends, I am weak

Now that I hear kind words, I am weak

Now even tho I can no longer shed any tears, I am weak

Now that I am depressed and suicidal, I'm so phucking weak

I was full of hope, dreams, and aspirations

Now i have none of these, nor do I care

I am nothing, jus an empty shell of my old self

Good bye to the old me

Good bye to the new me

Good bye to everything

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April Podeszwa's picture

As much as that's about suicide, I like it...I just like the way you worded it so neatly. But maybe you were/are weak because you thought it wouldn't matter to anyone if you killed yourself. Now that you realize that people do care about you, you don't know what to think...Aye? Keep writin, chick, and thanks for all of your critiques for're the only one who seems to read them anymore. ::Hug:: For good measure...