I remember you.

I remember how and where we met

I remember your neat brown hair

I remember your gentle eyes

I remember your sweet smile

I remember your calming voice

I remember your laugh

I remember your broken arm

I remember our bike rides

I remember us always jumping, in de church parkin lot, our ramp

I remember us racing

I remember play H.O.R.S.E. with you at your house

I remember you always winning

I remember pushing each other on the tire swing

I remember playing with you in the stormy and rainy weather

I remember the flowers you've given me

I remember the yellow daisys you left me in a green basket

I remember you holding e as i cryed

I remember waiting in anticipation for you to come over

I remember you knocking on my bedroom window

I remember you asking if i could come out and play

I remember spending all day, everyday with you

I remember dreading nightfall when when we had to separate

I remember us becoming more than friends

I remember you moving away

I remember missing you each day

I remember never seeing or speaking to you since that day

I remember never forgetting you.

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poetvg's picture

this poem
is so very
romantic and sweet to read

exxy's picture

someone had to say it. you said it well.

Nicole A.'s picture

Shit girl....NONE of my poems rhyme...LOL
This poem is awesome too...damn...

Rebecca Moore's picture

Awwwwwwwwwwwww...Ash, that's really, really sweet...just keep in mind all poems don't have to rhyme...keep it up though...that's really sweet...