Statement 3


Trying to be a good friend is hard

You're so close to my own heart

I'll never let go of the times we shared

The times that made me care

I cared for you, for us

Having your love was a must

Now I know I can never have it back

I'm trying so hard not to fall through the cracks

Move on I shall, to something new

Although a part of me will always be blue

My heart can no longer bear this weight

I don't want this to turn to hate

If you ever ask how things are

I'll probably say times are hard

But, what I really meant to say is I'm dying here inside

I miss you more each day, that night I even cried

I'll always love you till I die

I only hope you can say "So do I"

I need a hug, but not a generic one

My heart needs the hug, and this is done.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Some of the lines come from a country song. (not sure which)

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Wao, this poem really left me speachless...but I can honestly say YOU R TALENTED!!! really... well I'm gonna go now, I just wanted 2 congrats u on ur poems!!! ttyl