Jasmine the Dalmatian


With beautiful, baby blue, mellow, marble eyes,

Jasmine the Dalmatian has a face she can’t hide.

With big black spots from head to tail,

She’s so fat she might break the scale.

She barks at visitors and chases the cats,

Who would ever want a dog like that?

I know I would for she’s just so sweet,

She is constantly begging for a tasty treat.

She’ll lick you all over and kiss your face,

I know no other dog could take her place.

With a smile like a clown’s and claws like dull daggers,

To me, her imperfections really don’t matter.

Jasmine is an angel in disguise,

The mysterious magic can be seen in her eyes.

Under her soft, spotted coat, Jasmine has a pure heart,

I knew she was special right from the start.

Jasmine is like a second mother,

She is loyal and cares like no other.

She is with me through better and worse,

She is surely the best dog in the universe.

Jasmine the Dalmatian has a special place in my heart,

Nothing could ever tear us apart.

Jasmine is both a pet and friend,

My love for her will never end.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Just a fun poem I wrote in 7th grade about my Dalmatian that I loved to pieces...

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