off colored teeth.

You've stolen something slight

from the beat of my chest

You've caused this complete disconnect

from my brain to my mouth.


that you spit from in between

the cracks of your off colored teeth.

I've engulfed myself in them

I've placed complete dependance

on each rushed syllabol.

I've made my home in you,

but you're never near.

And, I'm sick with regret.

I ooze weakness, and

you've preyed on such vulnerbilities.


Lift these weary hands in yours,

and lie to me,

tell me, that it gets better from here,

as I watch the outline of your body

fade from my view.

View smlee89's Full Portfolio
mrpoofs's picture

this is rather ballin. i

this is rather ballin. i enjoyed quite much

"You've caused this complete disconnect

from my brain to my mouth.


that you spit from in between

the cracks of your off colored teeth."


def my fave part

allets's picture

Lovers As Liars

...lift these weary hands in yours and lie to me... ah! been there . . . a plea, a reality? To exhausted to fight for it or fight it. Take ease, it's just hormones talkin' ~~A~~