
Aimed and ready, sure to fall
seasons line the bedroom floor like puzzle pieces,
A piece of you, A piece of me
Castastrophies in every line you breathe.
You claim to be invincible, etched in an image of infinity
But I've seen you tremble under the weight of my words.
Oh you speak so suttle, and your voice it breaks,
It's intimacy you taste,
and it's bitter, so you spit it onto the sidewalk,
Yeah, but I'm glad we had this talk.

And darling, I can't seem to read the time,
anything but wrong,
And I can't seem to find the guts,
to even sing along.


You falter where you stand,
making all your surly demmands,
Hightlighting all these bigger plans,
these ideas you had, these little notions,
of all these smaller emotions, rolled into
this bigger machine, of all the things you wanted
to mean, and it's obsene, but it's the metal you
taste, on the back of your teeth, that seeps,
and makes it home, beneath flesh and bone, inside
the creases of your spine, oh,
but you were right, it's all those things combined
set apart, then later alined,
and left to remind, you and I,
of a greater lie, set off in the stills of your eyes,
and left somewhere amongst these lines.

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Subjective Write

To create a character - nicely done. I can forgive the "amongst" among would serve well enough for such a fab write. Arcane is a nice word too. Write more. And more. Encore. I love the internal rhyming schemes that almost work excellently well ~~A~~