You make things seem different
not like they were before
I dont hear your feet coming up those steps
or through that bedroom door
Not waking me up
or tucking me in
or helping me when i'm scared
No I don't hear your feet any more coming in the door
I dont see your body or face
in my everyday life
and if I do i'm saddened
because you cause me so much strife
If i'm with my friends and they say
hey isn't that the guy
I say yes he is the one
that makes the tears roll out my eye
Your never there when i'm scared
and I cry so much at night
I missed your mind and heart
Its all because we fight
You said it was not meant to last
When I say yes it was
You never gave me the right chance
to show you all my love
You make things seem different
not like they were before
I dont hear your feet coming up those steps
or through that bedroom door