If I had been granted three wishes that I knew that would come true.

I would have asked for three gifts and those three would be you.

I don’t believe in wishes, only the blessings from above.

And God gave me three lovely daughters whom I have grown to love.

There are many things I would have changed. The first one being me.

Then nurture with a mother’s love and teach you to be free.

I see now that I couldn’t give that which wasn’t in my heart.

And I know that I hurt you, especially when we were apart.

I know that there is no way to go back and change the past.

But we can work on the future and make our love last.

You have forgiven me for my transgressions and I am truly blessed.

It happened as I thought it would when I came to confess.

I expected you to reject me, tell me how terrible I had been.

And how my life was out of control and I was deep in sin.

You came to me and told me that you loved me just the same.

And what I needed was the promises of Jesus to reclaim.

You spoke to me in love as only daughter’s can

And even though I felt unworthy, I now could see the plan.

Through your forgiveness you truly showed God’s  love.

And even though I didn’t deserve it, a lesson well learned.

Now I knew that I have something in my heart, the power to discern.

I am still not a perfect mom but I love you very much.

And I want you three to love the Lord and always feel His touch.

Wherever this life takes you or whatever  you may do.

Please know that my daily thoughts and prayers will always be

with you.

                     Sarah Claudette Bratcher


Author's Notes/Comments: 

To the three joys of my life. I am so proud of all of you and have been blessed beyond all measure.

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This one bought tears to my eyes....absolutely beautiful!