I look over bleak, gray markers with endless names and nameless faces.

Faded flowers, the forgotten tributes to lost love.

One lonely grave, untouched, seized by briers.

Void of tears, as it stands silent in eternity.

Only the forest branches wave their goodbyes.

The desecrated markers, moss covered and leaning;

Silently they stand season after season waiting for one mournful cry.

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Bum Bum's picture

Wow! This is a fabulous piece. The language really creates a rather arrestingly poignant tone. It's nice to be on postpoems and actually read the work of someone who doesn't taint the good name of poetry.

Edwin Robinette's picture

This is kinda sad, but I loved the description!! Very nicely done!

Butch Lesley's picture

Hey my bestest friend, I really like this one. I am amazed by the number of graveyards I see that are totally neglected. Seems to be total disrespect to me.