I once had entropy explained.
The comparison was to a room
During a busy hectic week
When the room devolves into chaos.
When the laundry is piled high,
The floor littered with crumbs,
And the bed never made.
If energy is not put into the room
Then it remains in chaos.
But have you ever started cleaning,
Just kept on cleaning and tidying,
Until nothing was left to clean but you?
Then hopped into the shower,
And walked through a clean house,
Feeling sublime in its purity?
I have, just today I did that actually.
But the world is way bigger
Than any of our bedrooms
And the mess needs more energy
Than any one of us can muster.
If we don’t put energy back into the system,
And start cleaning our rooms,
The entropy will drive it to chaos
As it is right now, as I write, and you read.
Then again, we are putting a lot
Of energy into the system aren’t we?
With all we burn, and all we destroy.
In the way we let rooms fall into disarray,
Focused on all the other things.
So really what we need to do is clean
With a purpose and a goal,
And not lose focus on what really matters.
Cast off oct 1 - then. great analogy, clean up our act now! slc
Wow,that was good ,it
Wow,that was good ,it motivate me to do much more that I do
Embrace A New Freedom
I do that betimes, and go clean up some humans. Systems wither, human endeavor falls apart without the energy of which you speak. Steady on! :D ~s~