By my leave, let's fry our brains
Let's shake things up and waltz away
Leave your doubts, stand up tall
By tonight you'll forget it all
Avert your eyes, watch your mouth
Dodge the burden heading south
Ignore the standard, crack your wrists
Defy those lurking, deny their wish
They mean nothing, they're all waste
All that nothing clogs their taste
Sit right there, take a chair
See the sights, taste the air
It's all for not, but not for now
By this time, you'll come around
You'll start over, refreshed renewed
By my hand you'll be bold and crude
Indulge tonight, hemispheres fall
Ignore the doors and embrace the wall
Hug the stone and become the glass
For your time on white has come to pass
Accept the wave for it owns you now
Replace the why with the who and the how
You're so different now
So apply to your change
Puke forth the accepted
And make use of the strange
Be thoughtless, be wicked
And make ruin of the past
Make wild of your limits
And enjoy it while it lasts.