The Past #8

In the Past

It's been ages upon ages

The moments between us sway

But since the introduction,

Catching your glance felt okay

When I stared it was all in secret

As a joke or to draw a smile

Our eyes would meet quietly

Every meeting, once in a while

And yet to tell the truth

I couldn't turn my head

If I stared long enough

Maybe you'd kiss me instead

I ached for you for some time

Felt it best just to let it fade

But just then I met you once more

In a crowded room on a crowded day

We were destined to connect

To lay together without a sound

To be and feel complete upon deciding

And to do things right this time around

And one day you said to me that you loved me

I felt something warm sitting just under my heart

I told you that I loved you just as well

And after it hasn't felt right when we're apart

I say these things so often

In passing, through digital

Or in front of your eyes

But my intentions are pure

My words hold strong

And I'm happy with your hand in mine

We've tumbled over inclines

We'll pass over coastlines

The sunset will overcast us

Traveling with love on our minds

At long last we feel so free

To move and to swing with stories to tell

And I'll always shield you from the cold,

if you just shield me from myself

I'm here for your every step

I'll always hold you close to me

Because without my sweet Emily

I'll simply cease to be.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I love you, Emily! Happy Birthday, and Merry Christmas!

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Joel's picture

Phenomenal piece! Im sure she

Phenomenal piece! Im sure she loved it.

Well penned!


"You think Einstein walked around thinking everyone was a bunch of dumb-shits?"