Another Waste of Writing, Don't Bother

Did it ever even occur to me

That I'm not the gentle person you see

Maybe I'm just a deluted drifter

Who got lost in another person's tale

Maybe broken glass and burning stars

Have intoxicated me beyond resolve

And maybe I'm dead, maybe I'm not

Whatever the situation, I feel emptiness

And yet I can wave my hand in apathy

And pretend to love and then fall to my knees

Holding in tears eventually creates a problem

When you forget the trick in releasing them

And when propaganda seems like decoration

And virtual reality exceeds the alternative

Then it has become definite

We have a problem

It feels as if my life has fallen prey

To another's selfish needs today

But here I am without another

Without a need and without a bother

Though you're always there, always near

I wish I could share these fears

But I'm convinced, though I know I'm wrong

That you would misunderstand this cry gone wrong

Know what?

This poem sucks.

Bite me.

Author's Notes/Comments: 


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Latoya Nesmith's picture

I strongly belive that you should continue writing. vent release yourself

Jillian Camtasia Carver's picture

Take a breath and don't be so hard on yourself.. I like this poem.. I think it's alright.. It questions motive and thoughts.. Stop being hard on yourself

Essence Scott's picture

your title drew me in...this is not a waste of writing...for the sole purpose of writing,continue

Ethan Cole's picture

Nice poem.

5 stars......

Amanda Blevins's picture

No, this poem doesn't bite. Its rather good actually. I like ur usage of words. My poems are the ones that suck. I think u should continue writing =]

Elizabeth Nieves's picture

i actually thought this was good. I like the use of your words. I think you should continue writing to further develop your talent. thanx 4 posting

Amanda Holland's picture

i like the part about broken glass and burning stars. i think you'd be surprised about how many people feel this way. im pretty hard on myself too.

Diff.  Blue Moonlight's picture

Great post! (^-^) I liked it! Hello!!! Greetings from the Philippines!

sweetkisses91's picture

yea dude, ur poems are fukin awsome mine suck. k bye -sammy