Scars And Stripes

Never said a word when the javelin hit.
Confined to a life of chains and bars.
This is where he would find out,
how much of a man he is.
For most give up before their release date.
He made his mistakes…was found guilty.
If only he had thought of the consequences.
Everyday became a fight for his life.
Scars and stripes
Marks left by men who couldn’t see…
Scars and stripes was his destiny.

Young and eager to fight, 
What was once a boy, soon will be a man
He won his medals and ribbons.
The many symbols, proof of a true hero.
He has killed men and not proud of it.
His government awards him for it.
Won the war but his mind loses the fight.
In his dreams he relives the war over and over.
Scars and stripes
Marks left by men who couldn’t see…
Scars and stripes was his destiny.

There were tears in his eyes
Tired and worn from the pain.
Barely hanging on, 
but his faith was strong.
Taking the punishment of others.
Everybody’s sins baring down on his soul.
He died with his arms open revealing his love.
God looking down on his son…
Scars and stripes 
Marks left by men who couldn’t see…
Scars and stripes was his destiny.

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Thank you, I am glad you like my work. And also glad you like the name.

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