
When i say i love you it seems my short unthought words only fall on deaf ears,when u speak the words i long for they are only full of the emptyness which is you, i chase your heart as if i know mine is sick and the only way ill live on is if i have yours but you are relentless are always on gaurd to never give it to me, we are in constant chase as if u are the sun always shining and bringing life to those in need and as i am the moon always behind in constant chase yet worlds apart ill find away to eclipse our hearts.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This one i wrote towards the end of me and my ex gf relationship.

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cassiebee's picture

this is so beautiful... i

this is so beautiful... i really got a visual while i read it. i cant even explain how amazing i thought this was:)

The Princess in Waiting