As I lay here, waiting, left in this place.
The darkness slowly consumes me.
I've lost all willingness, lost all hope.
Straight to the depths of hell I shall be sent.
Alone I'll stand, against the darkness.
Lucifer spitting the forces under his command
out from the darkest corners of the underworld,
out to the land that once was fertile!
But no longer is it fertile!
No longer is the land pure and clean!
The land that once was covered by light
is now swarming with hoardes of demons.
The land that was once pure,
is pure no longer.
The land is no more, the land has gone.
All that is left is a desecrated badland.
All that is left is the darkness.
As I lay here, waiting, alone in this place.
Waiting for the darkness to end my pain.
hey i so fucking love fertility from a lost land. i write like that too...but they're poems (duh lol). my feelings are kinda like that too...although i'm not sure how you feel, bc i only read fertility. but hopefully when i'm not lazy (lol sorry) i'll read some more on ur site okay? hopefully you'll check out mine's too and respond back (please?). take care! laters! >_<