As You Walk Away

07. Painful Sighs

I've cried millions of tears

and still I haven't learned

that friends will always leave

you standing there

just watching as they walk away.

And while I try not to care

it all comes at me

and I cry these lonely tears.

Why must the ones you love

leave you behind?

Leave you gazing into a future

they will no longer be in?

Leave you with just the distant

memories of what once was?

There's no longer any hope.

There's nothing to look forward to.

Each day is just one more step

to when I'll be alone again.

I had never had anyone whom I could

call a true friend.

And when I finally found

those precious few,

they're leaving all at once,

leaving far behind

the people, the lives

they once knew.

It will all have been a dream

of the life they once lived.

A life that will no longer exist

with each step they take

as they walk into a new future.

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