Bullying can lead to suicide


B ullies

U tilize people as targets because

L ike many others, emotion is

L ocked inside the growing

Y ouths soul and mind.

I nteracting with

N eglected children -fighting back-

G ives them the opportunity of repeating their actions.

C hildren can ask for help

A swell, though some might be afraid of asking. It's only part of

N ature that we fear something probably bigger than us.

L et the bully know you are not afraid.

E veryone can stop the bullying that is progressing in schools,

A verbal and some times physical weapon that people choose not to help stop.

D eath can sometimes happen if too much abuse of any kind takes place.

T hink about it, your

O pinion on the matter counts.

S o stop and try to

U nderstand what

I s happening

C arelessly around

I n

D ifferent schools

E verywhere.

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Lasohnda Harris's picture

thats deep and true what need to happen is the teacher need 2 start doin more 2 them kids as far as discipline they dont i know cause i am one of those kids who use to get picked on everyday and sunt home for defending myself suicide aint the only result of it kids are shooting up school or murdering those they grew to hate it dont make a differnce because in some schools the teacheres are bullys to