Bizarre moments


Darkness settles in,

Dancing upon the wall,

An odd lemony scent fills the air,

Soon after I fall.

I try to cry out,

But there's no sound,

A bright light flashes before me,

As I land upon the gentle ground.

Flowers grow all around,

The flaming sunlight rising into the air,

Tree's tower high above,

Beauty spreading everywhere.

Stars fill the sky,

Shimmering brightly,

Sitting above the world,

Laying beside the sun ever so slightly.

A man rides up to my side,

Lending me his hand,

To sit upon his noble steed,

To join his knightly band.

Sitting behind my love,

Upon his grand ride,

I cannot help but hold him,

My love at my side.

His warm body within my arms,

Falling asleep as we continue on,

Riding through the night,

The nature playing it's midnight song.

Halting ever so slowly,

Helping me to the ground,

Holding my hand tightly,

As we begin to walk around.

His bulky arms hold me close,

Nothing could be better than this,

He leans in close,

Our lips combining in a passionate kiss.

But as I pull away,

There is nothing before me,

Darkness and Shadows,

Is all I can see.

Falling silently,

Like a leaf riding the breeze,

I land upon a soft cusion,

Dreaming in the sweet shade of the trees.

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Lasohnda Harris's picture

I liked that well expressed

Katie Moak's picture

awesome poem i love it!