

Pale as the moon,

Skinny as a tree,

She has the looks,

But what about me?

She's popular,

I'm not,

Everything I want to be,

Everthing I sought.

She has the eyes,

The beautiful hair,

These are the traits,

That popular people share.

The attitude is a bit nasty,

Making fun of the rest of us,

Calling us names like losers and nerds,

Because we don't dress like skanks or cus.

To leave the life of loserhood,

Is all I want to do,

What's wrong with that?

A loser trying to be like you?

Still I sit here,

Holding my dreams,

Creating my own little dream world,

As though it seems.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

In my school, I am branded as a loser, being walked on by the popular people. There hasn't been a moment that I haven't wished I could be in the popular group.

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Lasohnda Harris's picture

oh man i can relate thats why i amglad i graduated so happy dont gotta go trhough that no more