Hidden Love


A passing glance,

That’s all it is,

I gave you a wink,

That no man could miss.

You only talk to your friends,

Not giving a care,

It’s like you don’t even know

That I am here.

Gathering up my courage,

I walk up to you for a chat,

I open my mouth to talk but you walk away,

How could you do that!

Are you playing hard to get?

Or simply have no interest?

I’m trying to get you to notice me,

I’m trying my very best!

Should I leave you?

I see nothing here,

Nothing between you and I,

You don’t even say hi when I am near.

Sitting in class I begin to think,

About you and me,

Thinking had changed it,

Now I see.

I see that I you are a challenge,

I have to be smarter,

In order to receive your heart,

I’ll have to try harder!

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Lasohnda Harris's picture

thats cute kinda sad 2 i like it though