Childhood friend is more than any kinds of friend
‘Cause this is the friend that won’t let your friendship end
They know you more even your secrets
They will keep your secrets cause they’re like your assets
They’re more than friends cause they stuck with you till the end
You can count on them and they would not blend
Not like other friends that only need you for something
Those friends will leave you when they get it, it’s heartbreaking
Please for your own sake don’t you dare make fun of them
Cause if you do they will just embarrass you, they’re like gem
Hard to find but so easy to vanish
Remember they know you and your secrets so don’t let them vanish
Remember too that childhood friend can be so hard to last
Some friends can be gone as years go past
So pick carefully for the friend that you’ll stick by
The special someone that won’t leave you and won’t say “goodbye”
That special someone will be always with you
Even in hardships you’ll find out if he/she is true
The one that will never leave your side will be the one
That childhood friend that will be forever together and to have fun
banish and vanish should be inverted (change places for better meaning) ~~A~~
Thank you sir, I will re-read
Thank you sir, I will re-read and double check everything I write next time. I did not notice that for 2 years