I Just Hide It

August 2012

You left me shy, blaming me for lies,

i got no one, you've had 3 guys,

but still i try to pretend i don't miss,

the two New Years we got to kiss,


midnight we missed but not the lips,

we took big gulps, what are small sips?

true as this, we were mighty drunk,

you were beautiful, i was funk,


still make me get goosebumps by just a memory,

every now and then you become an enemy,

to my personal being even when you're a close friend to me,

the "could have" moments we have crawl like centipedes,


they wear me out, fatigue me to sleep,

only from her memories can i count sheep,

never have i once lost the attraction,

i just hide it behind my high reactions.

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Memories Do It To Ya Sometimes

You weave a tale with character and poise - still lovin' those wonderful slant rhymes ~~A~~



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who knows...maybe one day

who knows...maybe one day these 16 lines will become 600 pgs of a novel

can you hear me now?