I know nothing i say would have made you stay,
tried to play at crucifiction so you would pray,
but little did i know you were already praying
on my heart and soul, last text constantly replaying,
i'm at the point now where if it occurs,
it was meant to be, so never be stirred,
keep the alcohol and mix separate, trust no other,
never believe her words when you're on top of one another,
pleasure speaks lies, actions yell truth,
damn it, again i had feelings for a youth,
had me at the moaning, softly speaking baby,
lost me once you claimed me as crazy,
my mom just got cancer, still you called me nuts,
would have been better off not answering but
you decided an end must be met, now i actually
agree with that decision, thanks for leaving me.
Rejection at Christmas
Not great emotionally - so sad ~ Lady A
no worries presently :) this
no worries presently :) this was written back in July
can you hear me now?