Forgive My Past

March 2012

How much longer can unrequited be a love that i,
know well in my heart isn't why i try,
i'm a good guy who never forgets a face,
never forgets a good memory, never forgets the place,

but if you wish to erase all the good we had,
i respect your decision so be glad,
feel like an app fad that only lasted a week,
in the end you hurt alone until you're severely weak,

just a kiss on the cheek, a night in my bed,
walking her home on New Years, all are in my head,
heard what she said, "with free time you dwell,"
well if you know a better way, pray tell,

i'm living in hell and have no emotions,
keep what i feel down cause no one deserves to know this,
i truly hope this hurt i'm feeling doesn't last,
and i am able to forgive my past.

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