I Can't

December 2010

I can't find the quiet, inside of my mind,
can't figure how to borrow it from outside my window,
i have stared into the brown eyes of an angel and now i am blind,
leave my house for the quiet outside, i don't disturb silence, i tiptoe.

I can't fill the void that writing used to feed off,
can't understand "true" love, just hold on for dear life,
to me you are someone pills get over, no better than a cough,
yet a dream is all it takes, i've seen a future with no wife.

I can't sleep knowing i don't deserve living,
can't give much effort to waking up when i am nothing,
hard to think of you not as forgiving,
hard to remember anything else when i randomly relive you blushing.

Hold on to whatever you find, hold on to friends that will help you through,
hold on to the will to still have a future, hold on to inner strength, so true,
I can't seem to want much more than you,
can't ever again allow myself to be arms length from you.

I can't hear any noise, my surroundings completely muted,
can't understand why i allowed my heart to drive the car,
finally a takeover occurred, much was disputed,
now i wish to be somewhere, distances away from where you are.

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Wow! I really liked this

Especially the silence bits it really adds a lot to the work. well done! SS

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."