Yes, Mom

Harsh, only because you're afraid of what she'll say.

But we fully know you'll only back down.

And we're without restriction.

Boundaries are impossible to break if they're never set.

Are you worried?

That she'll leave you

So frightened to be alone

But we're aware that your affection toward us

Has been filtered to a drip.

And I'm sure you couldn't live without her.

I've been on the back burner before

Hell, I'm used to it.

Please leave your excuses

And your pleas at the door.

I've heard enough

You've failed

This is all a joke

But I see that no one's laughing.

And I'm sorry,

I truly am.

4:56 am


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Talking is the key to understanding, and we all say things when were upset and expressing them helps not to build the tention, or we can find ourselves in deeper situation. I wish u the best and keep on writing