lost in a sea of strangers
pushed through monantonous crowds
crushed beneath the oblivious people
unheard, though i scream and shout
reaching out, yet touching no one
though shoulder to shoulder, unable to move
i'm crammed in with all the others
amongst the masses packed in this room
so many humans, though humanity's gone
without compassion or love for each other
shoved in a space not near large enough
not one able to recognize their brother
our world's filled with painful emotions
turning so quickly to fury and hate
suffering; these men, women and children
locked behind this huge iron gate
trapped together like a boat full of slaves
unwilling, unable to fathom the truth
of the horrors that await us tomorrow
and none of use have an idea what to do
if only; if only we could work as a team
we could manipulate the group's massive weight
like and ocean of waves pressing the shoreline
we could all move as one to bust down the gate
how simply our freedom culd again be ours
if i could just get them to hear me
but my ideas are drowned out by the panic
fear and containment turned us into a beast
so the clammering of the frantic continues
my answer to salvation is unheard
the room grows tighter with this idiot mob
as i'm stampeded by the monstrous herd
humanity, compassion, love for they nieghbor
all gone when fear invades the human race
leaving no room for a leader to take over
redirect them and prove their fear is misplaced
show the masses they can work as one
return to them the love God intended to feel
remind each one to care for the other
and inform them that the gate isn't real
it's all been a figment of grouped hallucination
brought on by panic, terror and fear
it could've been avoided if they'd just remember
God meant for us to care for each of us here
he build this planet to encourage an idea
that seeds could grow and love could sopread
but we so enormously failed Him
and each of us all deserve to be dead
this room which we are suffocating in
it's huge iron gates and unpenetrable locks
is purgatory, the waiting room to Hell
it's too late now, armeggedon can't be stopped
as the panic takes over, a silence shall fall
one by one, we begin to realize our doom
falling to our knees with a desparate last prayer
each person now knows the purpose of this room
to reconnect us, each, with our maker
and remind us to cherish the rest as our brother
second chances are rare and we MUST take heed
the gate disappears as we turn to each other
with smiles and huges, we remember the plan
that God meant for us to be an extension of love
returning it to both Him and each other
and live life fullfilled by our Father above.