Shadows of Love

The darkness fills the room

The tension cuts like a knife

Demands and expectations fall flat

Love begins to falter

Things aren’t as they were when love was young

Conversation dies only passing chatter is all we say

There is no more to be learned of one another

The excitement is gone

Disappointment sets in 

Nothing is the same

Shadows of the past roam in her mind

The love she once knew and held so dear

Has vanished into thin air

She feels like a stranger roams these rooms

This is not the man that she once knew

Where did the days go,

When laughing and banter filled these rooms?

As the days pass into years,

She watches him fall for another

Pain fills her eyes

Hatred fills her heart

Why can’t she keep his eyes on her?

She gives him everything and yet cannot keep his attention

The love is gone

Winter brings a slow death to the heart

The cold crept into his soul


Hardened the love he once shared with her


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KindredSpirit's picture

really like this

He and Her see from different eyes

But sometimes

They see the same.


shortie's picture

Thank you :)

Thank you :)