Forbidden Flower

I find myself drawn to you

The most beautiful flower in all the garden

My thoughts linger on you even when not in your prescence

Your beauty captivates me beyond explaination

For you are not only beautiful on the outside like most other flowers

I want to pluck you and hide your beauty away from the world 

For only my eyes to see

Although I know I cannot have you

Alas my thoughts linger on tasting your sweet nector

The forbidden flower is the one most desired by my heart

Desiring to have all it's beauty to myself

Yet I feel I cannot act on my hearts desire

As time passes the flower begins to wilt and die

This brings me an overwhealming sorrow

I never knew how much I cared for the flower

Until I could no longer go to the garden to admire it's beauty

With each passing day I think about the flower

And what could have been,

Had I the courage to pick the flower and savor it's beauty

Instead of letting it waste away to nothing

Each day I regret not following my hearts desire

And taking the path unknown

For now I will never know what that path could have led to

Or how the nector of that flower really tasted

I'm forever left to speculate what could have been


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schmuckjones's picture

It is the right thing to do though

To pick up a flower and to possess it, it would die.  But to leave the flower in the ground, it will have the chance to keep living as life intended.  But to smile upon the flower and watering it from time to time will help it grow and blossom and smile at the sun.  I liked this one alot.  It made me smile.  Take care  Persephone.

shortie's picture

Thank you!

Thank you! And you take care as well!