She moves smoothly,
Whispering tender ciphers to the wind,
Her each movement elegant,
Softly caressing the air,
With an effortless glide.
Her pearly whiteness
Surpasses the moonlight-
A subtle twinkle.
The breeze moves her hair;
The silver flimsy strands,
Gently float along.
She flows lightly,
Her hips gyrating softly;
To the right,
Then to the left,
Moving in their own rhythm,
Making their way
Through the mild breeze,
Very slowly.
And then finally she stops,
Her journey ends.
Over the vast land,
The feather finally rests-
And prepares herself for
Yet another journey,
To wherever these soft zephyrs
Carry her next…
Shilpa Ahuja
21 Jan, 2009
I love your piece and the analogy. Just wonderful!!!!!!