The Last Lesson

My last year in school

Soon came upon me

I thought I had had

All the education

And this short year is

Just "to pass".

Knowing little that

It's now that I'll learn

Some things I never knew.

I learned I'm not complete

I'll always keep learning...

I learned that confidence is not

Always proving that I'm right

But always accepting my fault.

I came to know that

"Sorry" doesn't always

Make you look down

But it always heals wounds.

I understood that friends

Are not for exchanging nailpaints

But love, tears and smiles.

I learned that victory

Is not having expensive stuff

But having an invaluable life

I learned why

A "B- Grade"  is important,

For it is the one that tells

That an "A" is better.

I understood that

The greatest accomplishment is

Helping others even if they don't

Realize it.

I thought I had grown up but still

My mistakes were forgiven

Teaching that I'm still in school-

And that was when

I came to know

What schools are for.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem describes my feelings as I live throught the last year of my school. It is about the things that are not taught in school, but one still learns them- through his experience. It's dedicated to my teachers.

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