Never again

The Bad Thoughts

Take a deep breath, hold it all in

Wait to exhale, and count to ten

To live is to learn, to forgive and forget

Never say anything you might regret

Bite your tongue, there's nothing to say

Swallow your pride, and walk away

Choking on tears, fighting them back

Avoiding the moment, the time to attack

No hateful words, spoken from anger

Nothing at all, to apologize for later

To err is human, to learn by mistake

Never forget the promise we make

Take a deep breath, "never again" we vow

Wait to exhale, but how long from now ?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

thank you, LeeLee for helping me write it...(well, part of one line, and typing two) even though we fought right after it. this peom could be about you

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Ozjan Yeshar's picture

Very sad poem I can understand the feelings. You managed to express yourself very well here. Cheers & keep your pen active.