Take Away

WARNING: this poem does contain some strong profanity so if that offends you...I wouldn't advise reading it.

I can't say anything to you to change your mind
I remain silent
and though I am conscious-I wish it weren't so
I can't stand...I merely sink to my knees
I can't sleep...nor can I breathe
And I see you in dreams...even there you still haunt me

It hurts worse to know that I caused you pain
I'd take all the heartbreak in the world
If you'd be in my arms again
But I resent and I retreat
For though you may speak truth, I'm still reluctant to believe
Nor will I be treated as one, simple fling

I wish I could hate you, but here I despair
There's no room left, it's all been torn apart
and you kicked me like a dog-just like you did from the start
You broke my ribs and made my mouth bleed
and my heart fell forward, destroyed at my feet
Believe me, I wish I despised you
but such emotions won't be
And you-you aren't making this easy for me

You sit and you stare and cast pity to me
though I spit it right back and continue to seethe
In my anger, I am unable to live
and these dark demises take all that I give
But it's fine...
I'll live, I'll survive
A few months of pain- it won't end my life
Though comalies lock me and bind me down
And innocence bleeds in the blood that I've drowned (in)
None will continue to bait me to sin

Fuck you and your hypocrisy
Fuck your feelings, your insecurities
You kicked me while down and unheard went my pleas
and YOU fucked me over with round two: Miseries

And now you find concern for me?
You worry and you fear for me?
Fuck you, I don't need your damn sympathy!
I'm not going to beg
I'm not going to plead
My pride is too great to bend me at the knees
(at least in front of you, where you still can't see)
I'll weep, that is certain, but temporary it'll be
You need to learn you don't have me on a leash

And I'm walking away
I'm giving you space
You wanted me to back off, now you rub it in my face
spitting at me with a cruel disgrace
I don't need this shit!
and no more will I take!
Back the Hell off and let me be
Give me my distance-run from me
I'm not going to chase you, I haven't the time

You make me work for affection
and then string me along
I find solace in knowing this isn't the end
That there's a reason for this, I just have to depend (on my God)
to deliver me and carry me through
and in the end, once it's settled...
I won't need YOU!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I was really angry...can ya tell? Needed to vent and this was the safe way. My knuckles can't really take any more wall poundings >.>

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Cleo's picture

I can relate to this and it's

I can relate to this and it's so true when you said that "My knuckles can't really take any more wall poundings" - cause I'm like that when I'm pissed...

-But now I just drink a bit of Bourbon and feel the warm liquid calm me down...:) (then I Smile)

shepardess's picture

hmm, that sounds like a good

hmm, that sounds like a good idea :)


Cleo's picture

haha :) -whatever floats your

haha :)
-whatever floats your boat...