
Michelle Kristine

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Bay Area, Ca.

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

I'm Michelle Kristine Gallow... [♥ ]
i've been to HELL and BACK i spill shit - trip - && embarrass myself i can't just flutter my eyes& get that boy. my life is messed up, i've been through more shit than you see on TV. Nobody's Perfect. i've been lied to, cheated on & had my heart stolen. I'Ve FuCKeD uP, FuCKeD PeoPLe Up; && BEEn FuCKeD uP. but, every hit was worth it because, i felt it, i knew it was real... life IS real && im living it wrong everyday. i'm fucking up royally && doing everything opposite// but do i regret one thing[?] NeVeR! because at one point what i did was what i wanted &i got my fucking SaTiSFaCTioN ♥ ♥ ♥ my life is mine && no stupid BiTCheS.. or ..Immature BOyS can fuck it up for me anymore. i'm the real deal & i'd love to see you TRy and FuCKiNg BReaK Me.

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Instagram- michellekristinee

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18 years 37 weeks